Scientific Papers Publications
Subcategory – BioRefinery
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Sequential Fractionation of Lignocellulosic Biomass Using CO2 -Assisted Hydrolysis Combined with γ-Valerolactone
Characterization of Novolac-Type Liquefied Wood/Phenol/ Formaldehyde (LWPF) Resin
Methanolysis Fractionation and Catalytic Conversion of Poplar
Wood Toward Methyl Levulinate, Phenolics, and Glucose
Wood Liquefaction and Its Application to Novolac Resin
Characterization of Liquefied Wood Residues From Different Liquefaction Conditions
Immunolocalization of Endogenous Indole-3-Acetic Acid and Abscisic Acid in the Shoot Internodes of Fargesia yunnanensis Bamboo During Development
Rapid Delignification of Bamboo Particles by a Modified Microwave-Assisted Solvolysis Liquefaction Process Using a Binary Glycerol/Methanol Solvent
Effect of Methanol on the Liquefaction Reaction of Biomass in Hot Compressed Water under Microwave Energy
Hydrothermal Transformation of Chinese Privet Seed Biomass to Gas-Phase and Semi-Volatile Products
A Spectroscopic Study on the Fuel Value of Softwoods in Relation to Chemical Composition
Renewable Chemical Feedstocks from Integrated Liquefaction Processing of Lignocellulosic Materials Using Microwave Energy
Extraction and Characterization of Holocellulose Fibers by
Microwave-assisted Selective Liquefaction of Bamboo
Characteristics of Regenerated Nanocellulosic Fibers from Cellulose Dissolution in Aqueous Solutions for Wood Fiber/Polypropylene Composites
Extraction and Characterization of Seed Oil from Naturally Grown Chinese Tallow Trees
Liquefaction Behaviors of Bamboo Residues in a Glycerol-Based Solvent Using Microwave Energy
Effect of Anatomical Characteristics and Chemical Components on Microwave-Assisted Liquefaction of Bamboo Wastes
Effect of Lignin Derivatives in the Bio-Polyols from Microwave Liquefied Bamboo on the Properties of Polyurethane Foams
Preparation of Polyurethane Foams Using Fractionated Products in Liquefied Wood
Influence of Solvent Type on Microwave-Assisted Liquefaction of Bamboo
Physicochemical Characterization of Lignin Recovered from
Microwave-Assisted Delignified Lignocellulosic Biomass for
Use in Biobased Materials
Fractionation of Microwave-Assisted Liquefied Lignocellulosic Biomass for the Preparation of High-Value Added Bio-based Products
Liquefaction and Characterization of Bamboo Residues with a Glycerol-based Solvent Using Microwave Energy
Polyols from Microwave Liquefied Bagasse and Its Application to Rigid Polyurethane Foam
Optimization for Microwave-Assisted Direct Liquefaction of Bamboo Residue in Glycerol/Methanol Mixtures
Agricultural and Forest Residues Towards Renewable Chemicals and Materials Using Microwave Liquefaction
Directional Synergistic Conversion of Lignocellulosic Biomass with Matching-Solvents for Added-Value Chemicals
Isolation and Characterization of Cellulose Nanofibers from Bamboo Using Microwave Liquefaction Combined with Chemical Treatment and Ultrasonication
Characterization of Microwave Liquefied Bamboo Residue and Its Potential Use in the Generation of Nanofibrillated Cellulosic Fiber
Biological Potential and Mechanism of Prodigiosin from Serratia marcescens Subsp. lawsoniana in Human Choriocarcinoma and Prostate Cancer Cell Lines
Hydrothermal Processing of Chinese Tallow Tree (Triadica Sebifera Syn. Sapium Sebiferum) Biomass
Quality Formation of Living Bamboo Wine from Dendrocalamus Brandisii Culms